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A gift to share

I had the pleasure and privilege of speaking with Dr. Adams, who (among other things) teaches clinical at UCSF Medical School. He provided me with a brilliant overview of the recent history of public health.

“Remember [the federally mandated public health targets called] Healthy People 2000 and Healthy People 2010? We missed those goals by miles. We don’t even _have_ a target program now. The next one could just be: Breathe. And I’m not too sure we could even hit that!”

He kept me spellbound for half an hour. I don’t think I got a word in edgeways, but he must have liked the quality of my listening, because he gave me this book off his shelf as a gift:

He said, “Be calm when you read it. Sit down, breathe, and take it easy.” Caveat emptor.

This doctor uses the (numerous!) expensive letters after his name for something besides paying the mortgage … He and his posse sent a copy of this book to President Obama, with a cover letter explaining the devastating consequences of a profit-driven health care system. 

They heard back from a medical advisor: the President put the book in his Presidential Library, but the advisor had to state that the for-profit industries had their influence so well laid in that, if the President breathed a word about single-payor care, it had been made clear to the White House that he would be abandoned by both sides of the aisle.

Abandoned. Completely. For standing up for the American people. The same American people who let those pikers into Capitol Hill in the first place.

You’ve been bought & sold. We all have.  Weren’t you looking? I’m not sure I was. 

The industries speak for us because we haven’t spoken up enough for ourselves. Politicians are nervous, ego-driven creatures desperate for a good image, and we’ve let the moonshiners polish their images — and their apples — while we bitch about the rent. 

The rent matters. Lots. Sadly, signing Internet petitions does not. 

Is it too late?

Well, you’re still breathing, aren’t you? So am I. Emigrated yet? Me neither. Guess it’s not too late, then. 

Be heard, unfiltered. Call. Fax. Write. Put a stamp on it. Letters matter. Phone calls matter. These represent a big hurdle in people’s minds, and politicians know it. They weight them accordingly. 

Paper, three sentences, stamp and envelope are not really that hard to do … just slightly strange to think about. Try it & you’ll see what I mean. 

If you have expensive letters after your name, this is an excellent way to get more mileage out of them. Your words are weighted more heavily still. 

Let your politicians feel insecure about their policies, where they don’t serve you or those you care about. Let them feel watched.  Let them get nervous and worry about their hair; it means they’re procrastinating about changing their minds, even as their minds are changing. 

Call. Write. Use stamps. Fax. Be seen. Be heard. Vote. And monitor voting. 

It’s surprisingly little trouble after all.

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